Wellcome fellow fitness enthusiast and aspiring Bodybuilders to the one and only page in malaysia dedicated only to BODYBUILDING!!! In our country bodybuilding has not yet received its due praise as people view bodybuilding as a beauty pageant as we compete on stage!! But what they do not know is the discipline hard work and the overall intensity behind every body builder!! Welll Here inn this page we aspire to bring our countrymen To realise that bodybuilding is the only sport where focus and disipline is required 24 hours of the day unlike any other soprt in the world! Bodybuilding is more of a Lifestyle than a sport and only the though choose to walk the path of IRoN where u either go big or go home. Here we are free to share info on tricks and secrets of the trade

The two Most common Forms Of Beginner Bodybuilders 

       Well first in Malaysia People head to gym mostly  for one of two reasons.. First its people who want to gain self esteem by shedding off those dreadful pounds of fat and in the process gain some lean muscle namely the CONVERTED SIX PACK ABS !!! Well next is the Hard-gainers these are the aspiring gym goers hopping to gain some mass .. well at first they just want mass they dont mind if its fat mass they put on or lean muscle. But as time passes the hardgainers find out that they have less corners to cut as theyll have to work twice as hard as those naturaly gifted with 'good genes' if they want to sculpt that empowering chest theyve begin to fancy.....  well both these groups off people are faced with their own set of problems which make them envy those gifted with naturaly atheletic genes....Well Your woes are a thing of the past if u happen to fall into one of these two categories, as we are here to help all aspiring young malaysian whatever your goal is inthe gym..Fellow Fat watchers please follow our Blast fat posts , and fellow hargainers Please follow the Hard- GAINING POST.